What we do
Portia works through collaborative partnerships with research funding and research performing organisations, policy makers, Civil Society, private enterprise, and any stakeholder in science endeavours who is committed to gender equality and excellence in science.
- We design, lead and participate in a variety of projects where the common thread is relationship between gender issues and quality of science knowledge, science practice and science institutions.
- We provide training workshops on gender dimension in research content and process.
- We provide career development support for early stage (female) researchers using participatory approaches.
- We actively pursue and develop collaborative networks around common issues and desire to take action to ensure change.
- We produce research reports in areas where there are clear gaps in understanding the relevance of gender sensitive research, innovation and development.
- We seek and respond quickly to fresh opportunities to make improvements where needed.
- We have created a global community of experts and practitioners in the area of gender and science, which is currently 7000 strong.